of the Campus Co-evolve site (2019-2021).
Our new educational offers will derive from the activities of Future HOW, our research organization.
Alumni of the Campus will be notified when we re-open with the new program.
Thank you for your curiosity!

Thank you for your curiosity about Campus Co-Evolve, a virtual university in the forefront of transformative education.
Just like you, we’re striving for a better world, and we believe that getting there will require all of us to grow better capabilities for facilitating profound transformation wherever we are, starting with oneself.
We invite you to become a more rousing agent of change and join our global teaching and learning community by enrolling in one of our learning journeys. Yet-to-be-acquainted-with friends from around the world are waiting for you…
Caring Together
Capability Development for Increased Response-Ability
The pandemic has given our motto “Education for Transformation” an ever-more timely meaning because most people don’t want to go back to the old “normal” of deepening inequalities, environmental degradation, massive alienation from work in soulless workplaces, and so on…
Our programmes are designed to provide you with affordable online education responding to the challenges that you and your community or organisation are facing.
These learning journeys are also an opportunity to connect with and become part of a global community of fellow learners.
Bildung is a German word for the kind of education that you can expect to receive at the Campus. It refers to the development of the whole person. It’s more than acquiring knowledge; we will help you develop the full-spectrum capabilities, both the inner qualities and outer competencies, that you need to respond to complex challenges as they emerge.
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2022 new programmes coming soon.
2022 new programmes coming soon.
Watch this space…

Is it for me?
Energized, now you want to up your art of changemaking and amplify its impact at least 10-fold. If so, you’ve arrived at the right place.
Here, you can accelerate your development by participating in and interacting with a global learning and teaching community of your peers. They frequently include:
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Organisational Leaders
who strive to create workplaces where people can blossom and work productively in joy and dignity;
Organisational Leaders
who strive to create workplaces where people can blossom and work productively in joy and dignity;
Thought Leaders
who want to grow and power up a community or network to support their work;
who want to enable young people to optimize their individual and collective selves;
Public Service Workers
who want to initiate novel democratic practices that empower their constituencies;
Community Facilitators
who want to mold diversity into engines of co-creation;
Movement Builders
who weave a web of relationships to foster wiser social systems;
Professionals in Healthcare,
who work on community-lead health initiatives and other innovative practices;
And many others,
who seek to unleash their full potential for contributing to the transition to a better world.
Why “Campus?”

The “campus” metaphor signifies a place where people come to learn, gain experience, interact with others, make friends and initiate projects. Campus Co-Evolve is a virtual learning environment designed to support the same functions online. It consists of a rich and evolving set of learning resources and tools, organized around the familiar, spatial metaphor of a “campus” with an easy-to-navigate interface.
Our learning resources include live sessions via video conferencing with break-out rooms for small group exchanges, online forums, chats, a virtual café, glossaries and even residential Co-creation Labs (or Colabs, for short) for cohorts interested in deepening their engagement. These features enable various and unpredictable forms of self-organizing and collaborative learning to emerge.
Why “Co-Evolve?”

Why do we talk about “co-evolution” front and center? Because there is no evolution, only co-evolution. We need to make sense of our world together, we need to discover solutions together, solutions to challenges that are too complex to be dealt with by one person, or sometimes, even one organisation.
We are evolving with others, with our communities and the broader social field of which we are a part. We learn faster when we’re exposed to and exploring each other’s mental models in mutually supportive relationships. Interacting with shared knowledge resources opens new vistas for better understanding and, potentially, wiser action.
This Campus and its programs are designed to foster the co-evolution of our learners with each other, with their cohort, and the real-world projects on which they are working. That co-evolution is a work-in-progress, one that we can shape, and that in turn is shaping us.
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