How We Teach & Learn
This is a virtual university where change agents connect, build community and learn together. It is a place to sharpen your skills, expand your competencies and refine the clarity of your purpose and direction. Our purpose is “to trigger viral waves of new capabilities for facilitating profound transformation on three scales — personal, organisational and societal.” To achieve that, we have developed a radically innovative 5-pillar educational framework. How we teach and learn is Holistic, Experiential, Praxis-driven, Transformative and Co-creative.

We are committed to the education of the whole person. We operate from a holistic sense of wellbeing which cares for the individual and collective dimensions of who we are. In addition, the holistic framework encompasses both the invisible (i.e., individual and collective collective consciousness) and the visible (i.e., behaviour and systems).
Our learning journeys are designed to foster personal and collective transformation. The participants in our programmes are inspired to develop the contemplative, relational, cultural and systemic competencies they need for catalyzing profound transformation in all those areas.
Praxis is the dynamic interdependence of theory and practice. In our context it refers to the efficacious integration of learning from action, and action enriched by learning, in an iterative, never-ending spiral. Praxis includes applying the insights, tools and methods gained from our learning journeys to projects aimed at meeting real-world challenges. In turn, the practical work on those challenges becomes the driver of deeper embodied learning.
All our programmes include an experiential stream (learning by doing) interwoven with a teaching stream (focused on empowering frameworks and methodologies). Experiential learning is enlivened by action-research, peer-to-peer learning, fieldwork and other methods. The combination of various ways of learning enables our learners to prototype innovative possibilities.
We learn and grow better in the context of caring, mutually supportive relationships. Deep, transformative learning happens as a result of participation, interplay and reciprocal influence in a community of learners. That’s why the culture of the Campus is designed to inspire co-creation, the cultivation of evolutionary friendships, learning teams and partnerships, and communities of practice.