Piercing the fog

The world soup is boiling and there’s nobody in the kitchen to turn down the heat. It’s a metaphor not only about the global warming of the planet but also, the societal soup of confusing narratives, fake news, and disinformation campaigns mingling together with honest guesses of what on Earth is happening in these turbulent times.

Humanity is building bridges into the fog—a fog of not-knowing where our Phase Shift may lead. Torchlights of collective intelligence can pierce the fog.

Image source: Building Bridges into the Fog, by Joe Ross & Tomas Björkman


The Future HOW Center of Action Research for Evolutionary Emergence was established to switch on those torchlights.  Its purpose is:

To discover & promote the ways

in which intentional evolution carries itself forward

through life-affirming, individual and collective actions.

Campus Co-Evolve is the educational arm of the research center.

Below is an initial line-up for our research initiatives. All of them will serve as distinct contexts to illuminate the Center’s two core questions: 

What are the pathways for humankind’s Phase Shift

to a more conscious, compassionate, and flourishing society?

HOW those pathways may be interdependent, synergistic, and sympoietic?