Four Rivers of Transformation

Four Rivers of Transformation

“The world is going to change so fast that people and governments will not be prepared to be stewards of change. What will save them is teaching-learning communities… The only way to have a possible society… is to develop the possible human at the same time.” — Margaret Mead


Four Rivers of Transformation is the signature course at Campus Co-Evolve. Inspiring to global cohorts of change practitioners and thought leaders looking for transformative learning. The intention of the course is to grow personal and collective capabilities and to hone the practical skills to collaborate both on individual and shared projects.

Much more than a course, it is a fledgling action learning community to explore a new sense of self, authentic ways of relating to one another, growing an enlivening culture and designing wiser systems.

A hands on, co-creative learning journey

  • A personal learning & developmental path within a collective practice
  • Live virtual class- and reverse classrooms (12 interactive sessions over a period of 4 months)
  • Continuous virtual engagements and co-learning in different assignment teams based on topics of interest


Why should you join?

Our world desperately needs people with increased transformative capacity to respond to the challenges and changes that are converging. With the increasing speed, complexity and magnitude of changes and challenges, we only will be able to respond through honing our capacities for collaboration, and expanding our awareness of systems and capabilities for change. This is an emerging community helping a more beautiful world into being by focusing on those who are taking action and making change.

The capacity we bring into our work defines what we can achieve. join us to

  • Increase personal capacity to lead and make transformation happen
  • Discover opportunities emerging in your work and from your ecosystem
  • Co-evolve with a global like minded community, supporting each other
  • Apply your learning to your work during and after the course

“A deeply transformational experience”, “I am a different person to the one who enrolled 4 months ago.  The content inspired me to weave the depth of learning into my life and work.”  2020, Cohort #2 Graduation

Read more testimonials here

What Is a r.evolutionary?

It is a play on the words “evolutionaries,” who strive for conscious evolution, and “revolutionaries,” who live their life dedicated to making waves of positive change. If you recognise yourself in either of these terms, then the chances are that you also want to become an ever more effective facilitator of evolution, including your own continuous development.

As you pursue a desire to become an even stronger r.evolutionary,  you are supported by a transformative learning community. As you evolve, you will find that you can bring your “change facilitator” gifts to the world with even greater impact on organizations, communities and/or eco-systems. In this course you will discover what it means to co-evolve in a dynamic and transformative  learning community. Cohort 3 is waiting for your unique presence!


  • Increase personal capacity to lead and to make change happen
  • Discover opportunities emerging in your work and from your ecosystem
  • Co-evolve with a global like minded community, supporting each other
  • Apply your learning to your work during and after the course

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be …

Developing Awareness (Self-reflection, values, attention-management, meaning-making)

… able to think through requirements and lived experience of developing awareness, using selected tools and insights to increase personal and collective awareness of the self and the environment

Changing Behavior (Committed communication, trustworthiness, caring for self and others, applying new routines)

… able to think through the implications of behavioral patterns and practice new, intentional  personal and collective routines

 Developing Communities (Evolving a community of learners into a community that learns)

… able to assist a community to convene, self-organize  and develop a shared purpose and learning agenda

Designing with Complexity (Transcontextual learning, organizational fitness, structures of engagement)

… able to understand the nature and challenges of complex problems and environments and learn about conditions, perspectives,  tools and methods fostering increased mastery in addressing  complexity.



The learning journey that this course is based on takes the participants to the A-B-C-D rivers of their development, which are: Awareness, Behavior, Community Building, and Designing with Complexity.

Those four dimensions of the course’s content are neither parallel, nor simply sequential; they flow into each other, they are interdependent and integrative. For example, even though we will have completed the Awareness module, the learning is not complete; it will continue inside the Behavior module, and so on.

We present below the opportunity of each of the four modules with some sample questions. The actual questions that will drive our learning will be informed by what is important to you in each of the four areas. You will have a chance to crystallize this in your personal development plan.


Self-reflection, values, attention-management, meaning-making

▪    How to live an on-purpose  life?  Learn about practices to support that process and attending this course, you can become better at them.

▪    How to master generative listening? Learn to learn from the future as it is emerging

▪     Why and how to pay attention to what do we pay attention to? Your attention is one of your most precious assets.  Learn how to expand it..

▪    What is the difference and the relationship between self-awareness and self-knowledge, and how can you master both? Explore in the course, and apply  in a practical way how they can enhance each other.

▪    How to deepen your non-judgmental observation of both your inner and outer experience? Use the course as your training ground.

▪    What is it like to sense, think, speak, and act from beyond the “small self”?  Join us on an exciting  adventure ride, with many surprises.


Evolving a community of learners into a community that learns

▪    How to foster collaboration among people with multiple scales of diversity? Learn birthing a narrative that inspires everyone.

▪    How do you coordinate collaborative work when there’s nobody to impose responsibilities? Notice how it feels when you’re offering to your teammates your accountability for a task so that they can know what they can count you on for.

▪    How does a culture of appreciation facilitate effective organising? Observe and demonstrate it in the self-organisation of your cohort.

▪    What conditions favour collective intelligence vs collective stupidity? Learn by designing your preferred conditions into the life of your organization/community.

▪    Is there such a thing as collective intuition and wisdom? Discover the answer in our practices of collective presencing.

▪    What are the conditions and phases in the development  of  a community of practice until it can become a system of influence? Discover the unique challenges and opportunities of each phase.


Committed communication, trustworthiness, caring for self and others

▪    What does it mean in practice that honouring your body with a healthy lifestyle is your response-ability to the commons and your availability to the evolutionary impulse? Explore the connection.

▪    How to become an even more trustworthy person, by acting in harmony with your values, especially under stress? Discover what it takes to stand your ground during stressful conditions, both, intentional and unwanted.

▪    How to reach and sustain the inner coherence of head, heart, and hands? Discover what is in the way of their alignment, and then practice letting go of them.

▪    Can overload be overcome by “Tealing” with it? Learn to manage the balance across the various territories of your work, and the time and attention dedicated to each. Learn how to evolve your consciousness and capacity to prioritize what is most important to you.

▪    What are the greatest barriers of personal change and how to overcome them?

▪    How to engage in generative and inspirational conversations?

Designing with Complexity

Transcontextual learning, organizational fitness, structures of engagement

▪    How to increase your situational and systemic awareness, the capacity you need for caring for the whole, not only for a part? Learn mapping systems and align their parts functionally.

▪    How can you help your organization/community make wise decisions when facing complexity, where their outcomes are unpredictable? Delve into the conditions that make it possible.

▪    What if your community/organization was a network of conversations that matter? Learn to seed, nourish, connect and illuminate them.

▪    How to enable transformative innovation to stick in a system of your choice? Learn using the Innovation Architecture framework.

▪    Can self-management use collaborative scenario writing? Bring a case to find out.

▪    How to embody the three breakthroughs of Laloux’s Reinventing Organizations? Participate in prototyping them in your cohort.


Faculty: Máté Szücs

Máté is working worldwide as an advisor, consultant and change catalyst helping leaders, teams, organizations and ecosystems to evolve.  He specialises in new technology, business and impact models, ecosystem thinking, organizational and leadership strategies. His  experience ranges across various industries, from start-ups to large enterprises, social entrepreneurs, NGOs as well as educational and government institutions across 20+ countries. He is also a regular speaker, trainer, educator and workshop facilitator. Prior to this he gained 15 years experience in the tech industry with leading companies such as Siemens and Microsoft. Máté has held various leadership roles in strategy, business planning and operations internationally. At Campus Co-evolve he is also part of the enabling circle focusing on the long term vision, the development and impact potential of the campus as an eco-system enabler.

Contributing Faculty: Aftab Omer, Ph.D.

Aftab is the founder and president of Meridian University in Petaluma, California. He received his Bachelor’s from M.I.T. and his Doctorate from Brandeis University. Formerly a faculty member in both the Psychology and Sociology departments at Sonoma State University, he is currently the President of the Council for Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychologies. Aftab’s research has focused on the emergence of human capacities within transformative learning communities and his work includes assisting organizations in tapping the creative potentials of conflict, diversity, and complexity. His published articles include The Spacious Center: Leadership and the Creative Transformation of Culture and Between Columbine and the Twin Towers: Fundamentalist Culture as a Failure of Imagination.

Contributing Faculty: George Pór

George is a researcher in collective Intelligence and the founder of Campus Co-Evolve. He is also a strategic learning partner to visionary leaders and changemakers in business, government, and civil society. George founded Community Intelligence, a  UK-based organizational transformation agency doing business globally  since 2002, and established Enlivening Edge, a media hub for amplifying the evolution of organizations and social systems (2015). His academic posts have included the University of Paris, UC Berkeley, INSEAD, and London School of Economics. His list of publications is accessible at His clients included: Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Ford Motor Co. Intel, Procter & Gamble, Prudential, Shell International Explorations & Production, Siemens, European Commission, European Investment Bank, UN Development Programme, Club of Budapest, Greenpeace, Swedish Organizational Learning Association, World Business Academy, World Wildlife Foundation.


Limited places. To reserve yours, go to  ADMISSIONS now.

You will get access to the full detailed course syllabus after registering before the course starts. If you have a specific question about the course please send it to Sameera Mahomedy at