From Me to We to All of Us

From Me to We to All of Us
a learning community for (would-be) evolutionary agents
with response-ability in 3 spheres of transformation:
personal, public, and planetary
“The pandemic is a portal”
“We aren’t just stopping coronavirus. We’re building a new world”
“COVID-19, Mutual Aid, & Planetary Consciousness”
“Coronavirus Spells the End of the Neoliberal Era. What’s Next?”
Those titles are representative samples of popular articles, video conversations, and podcasts on the Internet, which reflect a growing public sentiment.
Are you wondering about a role you can play in the creation of a world you’d like to live in? Would you like to strengthen competences that will help you envision and enact that reality? Meet people driven by the same passions along the way?
Do you care for the disenfranchised, those who suffer the most due to the inequalities just exacerbated by the pandemic? Have you realized that natural human solidarity is beautiful but not enough to address the root causes of that inequality? If yes, then you know that learning to become more impactful evolutionary agent is the most important learning to undertake, at this time.
Together with peers coming from various countries, social sectors, movements, communities, and organisations, you will discover yourself, explore your strengths and learn how to use them in the context of a global, positive change you want to see happen.
“After the Pandemic, What World Shall We Live In?” That was the title of an action-research workshop held on 14-Apr-2020, with 80 participants. In this 14-week action-research seminar, we’re going to follow up on that inquiry.
Sample activities:
· Practice collaborative sense-making
· Track new forms of social creativity around the world
· Tend our patch in the Co-Evolution Knowledge Garden of the Campus
· Discover signposts pointing to possible futures
· Envision and enact generative steps towards a desired future
· Contribute to the larger sense-making processes occurring in the global social field
Week 1, Apr 20 – 26: Orientation and Introduction
• The flow of the 14 weeks
• What is action research and Generative Action Research
• Our online learning environment: Moodle, Co-Evolution Knowledge Garden, Co-Evolution WhatsApp
• The U journey of presenting AND absencing
• Gearing up to Generative Action Research
Week 2-5, Apr 27- May 24
Module 1 — Discovering & Connecting with SELF Space
Week 6-9, May 25 – June 21
Module 2 — Discovering & Connecting with WE Space
Week 10-13, June 22 – July 19
Module 3 — Discovering & Connecting with WORLD Space
Week 14, July 20 – 26
Celebration & forming a Transformative Community of Practice
Facilitator: George Pór, social scientist and movement catalyst, President of Campus Co-Evolve
Contributing Faculty: Aftab Omer, President of Meridian University
on the Campus, upon registration.
Estimated study time: 6 hrs/week if you want to get the most transformative value from your participation.
Tuition Fee? No, It’s Pay-What-Feels-Right.
Suggested donation: £349 for this 14-week program.
In keeping with the Campus’ vision of serving a world that works for everyone and in view of the present global crisis which is causing hardship to many of our brothers and sisters, we have chosen to offer our courses on a Pay-What-Feels-Right basis so that no one should be left behind.
Places are limited. Apply here.
Start Date: 20 April End Date: 26 July