Capability Development

This Liminal Moment

    by Mark Allan Kaplan, Ph.D. We are in a profound moment for our species. The evolutionary challenge many of us have been talking about has now kicked into high gear and we are entering what anthropologists and systems theorists call the liminal phase. This moment is the chrysalis phase, the stage where the caterpillar turns to liquid inside the cocoon but the butterfly has yet to begin to emerge. This is a moment of pure possibility…and also extreme danger. All our systems are in flux across all domains of existence – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, relational, cultural, social… We […]

Transformative Media and the new world we hope to create

 by Mark Allan Kaplan I believe, like many of us here at Campus Co-Evolve, that in any future world we seek to create we need to rethink our educational system from the ground up in terms of a developmental and evolutionary perspective, as opposed to a job training and enculturation perspective. This new system should be life-long and not limited to the so-called formative years, since we have solid evidence that development does not stop there…unless a culture puts a ceiling on it. Any new educational system also needs to be more decentralized and not limited to our traditional constructs of […]

How Is It OK? Or Is It?!

One of the world’s management gurus, Gary Hamel, asked at last year’s Peter Drucker Forum: “How did we become so inured to the inhumanity of our organizations?” “How is it OK that a scant 13% of employees around the world are emotionally engaged in their work?” “How is it OK that only 12% of employees in Europe say they’re always consulted before objectives are set for their work?” “How is it OK that in a global survey, 79% of respondents from large companies said new ideas get greeted with skepticism or hostility?” “How is it OK that the average first level […]

Conversation in the Morning

My wife brought me a cup of hot chocolate without sugar in it. Even without sugar, it’s such a heart-warming comfort drink! Each morning, when that happens, I sip on it slowly as to let the taste of cocoa linger in my mouth after each sip. It was early morning, and I was sitting in my writing den, busy with envisioning Campus Co-Evolve and its forthcoming first program, Four Rivers: a Course for R.Evolutionary Changemakers. As I lifted my eyes from the screen to her face, suddenly I felt warm waves of gratitude and love washing over my body. I couldn’t […]