
Our communities are self-organised invitational practice groups started by graduates of the ‘From Me to We to all of Us‘ learning journey  and the Transformative Media course on Campus Co-Evolve. 

Having felt transformed by their experiences, participants decided to create safe spaces for their own and each other’s ongoing learning, capability development and collective sense making.  

Facilitating the rise of consciousness & capabilities in ourselves, others, organizations, and social systems is the overarching purpose of all of our communities. 

Our practice-focused communities are: 

  • ART Collective – Action Research for Transformation
  • Go Vertical! Transformative Community of Practice – vertical development 
  • Media Shamans Community – space for collaborations, honing the members’ media craft, and harnessing their collective intelligence to support their projects and the evolution of transformative media

We also support a conversation community of shared, broader interest, on Facebook, the Co-Evolution Community.