On “Action” in Action Research

This article was originally published as the Editorial of the Protopia Expedition News (PEN) #8 of Campus Co-Evolve.

Editorial George Pór

Do you remember when Mafé Rabino passionately argued, in the first session of the Organisational Shift segment of our Expedition, for creating a Discovery Team focused on the question of how to generate resources (that’s not only money) for one’s project, even if she will be alone in that team?

Why did Mafé make such a fiery, fervent plea for  her choice of topic in an academic action research? In her own words, “because I care for the people I know.” If you ever thought love is a sentiment, think again.

If you  want your organization or project team to engage in discovering its evolutionary purpose, do not talk about evolution; inspire them with a question about what can be the most transformative innovation that they can bring to the world? If you truly love people, do not talk about love; prove it by actions that make them feel how much you care about them.

Can you remember, in this moment, as you read these sentences, how Mafé’s courageous speaking in the first session of the new segment made you feel?

To me, it was one of the most unforgettable moments of our Expedition so far. I felt touched and moved. It is still with me as I write about it, probably because it touched a deep chord of solidarity in my being. Isn’t solidarity just basic human decency that turns our privilege into our resolve for advocating and acting for the benefit of those in need?

As our Discovery Teams start their action research, let’s call to our mind and heart that  “action” stands for, in this context, making a difference for the better in people’s life.

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